...Heart Lover.: The Game Plan.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Game Plan.

Filem nie keluar tahun 2007 lagi. Tapi aku baru tengok malam kelmarin kelmarin. Maksudnya, hari jumaat hari tu lah. Aku tengok di TV3. Eh, yaka? aku pun nda pastilah aku tengok channel mana. HAHA.

Filem nie adalah tentang seorang famous footballer [Dwayne Johnson a.k.a Joe Kingman] yang hidupnya tiba² diselubungi misteri. Eh, bukan! Hidupnya diselubungi kekecohan bila anak dia yang comel [Madison Pettis a.k.a Peyton Kelly] muncul.

Serius, sangat best cerita nie. Banyak lawak² yang buat aku ketawa sorang² walaupun hakikatnya bukan aku sorang ja yang tengok cerita nie. Bapa & mama aku pun tengok, tapi bapa & mama tengok dengan mata tertutup. Apakah? (-.-)zzZZ

Aku rasa aku nie terlebih sensitip. Boleh² aku nangis time part yang sedikit emosi. Dulangi, sedikit! Sedikit ja emo pun boleh buat air mata aku mengalir! Gila ah! Blah la kau dG~ Booooo! Wei, sudahlah, nangis lagi aku karang. HAHAHA.

Oh², ada beberapa quotes yang aku suka dalam filem nie! Antaranya;

Peyton Kelly: Stupid is a mean word.

Monique Vasquez: [to Joe] Ballerinas can jump just as high as you but when they come down they come down in plies, and then they stand pointe, and they stand like that for hours. If ballet was easy, it would be called football.

Joe Kingman: Peyton, I have an an answer for your question. After this game, win or lose, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Joe Kingman: My dad never let me have sugar.
Peyton Kelly: Is that why you never smile?

Joe Kingman: Well, who are you here with?
Peyton Kelly: My father.
Joe Kingman: Well you better go get him, because I'm sure he's looking for you.
Peyton Kelly: He's not looking for me.
Joe Kingman: How do you know?
Peyton Kelly: Because he's looking *at* me.
Joe Kingman: What?
Peyton Kelly: Hi, we've never met before, you were married to my mom, Sara. Sara Kelly. My name is Peyton. I'm your daughter.
Cerita panjang² pun nda guna. Nah, baca sinopsis cerita nie sini.


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